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Första och sista sliden
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I'm so old-fashioned of me! Although I did not live back in the days when they used typewriters - I would so love to have one of those! They are so cool. I also want to have a gramophone with a gorgeous cabenet filled with LPs. They sell LP at Urban Outfitters - with great artists. I have not got used to the mobile calendar and prefer the regular fillofax / calendar, where you can browse and make little colorful notes. It's so fun to buy new calendar, I think!
When I was going to write my English Assessment the other dayy ou had to choose to write by hand or computer (just to those who are uncomfortable with a keyboard would have a chance - I do not think the school prefer that when they correct) but I crossed "by hand" anyway, it is so much more fun, I think!
Min mammas man, Benke, har en jättefin gammal skrivmaskin som står hemma och pyntar - så fin!
My mother's husband, Benke, has a beautiful old typewriter which stands at home for decoration - so pretty!
Cough, sniffles, cold and rain - I feel like I'm home in Sweden! Today it is finally weekend so I can get some rest, catch up and be myself again! Yesterday before I fell a sleep I was lying in bed and made a power point for my lecture presentation with the school gouvernment, to bad I did not have the energy to on the computer so I only have my memory and coffee to get it all together. If I still feel sicktomorrow I can go to next week's meeting, but it had been a relief to have it presented tomorrow!
Ugh, I really need help in terms of courses for next semester: Buisness program or marketing program with minor in Economics? Super Hard VS. Manageable / Fun / Worthwhile? Buisness is also rewarding course, but the question is how I would cope Financial and Manageneral Accounting, Micro and Macro, Math 120 (very advanced), Math 130, etc. ... At the same time ... The marketing program has so many fun courses and I really need them - I may be able to read accounting at university? Or I can hire someone to help me with the first period with the company (Markus told me that tip) - expensive certainly. To be continued ...
Cosy scarf helps when you have a cold!
Now that I can't work out as much beause of my cold, weather and time (prevarication - yes) I choose to cut back a bit on carbs, to have an even balance ... A good tip for those who want to skip the rice / pasta / potatoes is to fry up some zucchini to the food -I do like this:
- Heat a large knob of butter in the pan
- Add zucchini
- Fry for a while and then pepper with herb salt (much)
- Cook until they have become a bit crispy and then put some honey on(do not do this at the beginning, honey burns easily!)
- Sprinkle a little Parmesan if it goes with your food
- Eat right away! :-)
I've really gotten homesick! I want to go home to family, friends, job, and candy. I've got an idea to my ask my manager to help me create a company for my services because I might have more job orders from another company next semester ... Starting my business right now, simply, to be on the sidelines and learn early on how it works! I would also need to have another company for my lectures. We'll see what we can do when it's time to get together and have a meeting with my amazing managers. I am loning for after 2013 and all the fun work-stuff!
So proud of myself! Today I woke up and was still sick, tired and unmotivated. After a short snooze with the idea to stay home and ignore everything except my only class I thought it over. I'll just get up and do the best I can, even if the cold is really bad and my alarm did not go off ... Often when this happends I just cancel the whole day and think that I will do all of it in the right order the next day or any other time, I find it difficult to do some of the things I planned to do, in the wrong order and under stress. Today I did not give up but took on my Sucess-coat and strutted away. I did meet with my advisor to discuss future, took English and math test to get into the right classes, submit all CSN and I-20 paper for signature and submitted the task on my lesson. Unfortunately I did not meet my group but then I had to make the best of it and look up information in retrospect simply. It's so much better to do some of the planned things than to do nothing - even if you don't do it all!
Now I prepare my lecture presentation and write Wall Street Journal summary.
Uppfriskande promenad i ett aningen kyligt Santa Barbara. Jag blir redan sa nostalgisk for tiden som vi har haft har - den ar inte slut an och vi aker hem for att komma tillbaka efter jul och nyar - anda kanns det lite jobbigt att rakna dagarna till hemfard, kanske for att forra hemfarden innebar en tur och inte retur. Skont att komma ut och fa lite luft mellan allt jobb, plugg och planering.
Tank sa snabbt man vanjer sig vid en ny tillvaro. Forsta dagen i vart nuvarande boende kollade jag upp pa min Markus och sa "inte en chans". Huset ar litet och fullt av trasiga mobler och smuts - men det jag reagerade pa mest var givetvis hur tatt man skulle bo med andra... 5 stycken pa ett badrum - en toalett. EN kyl pa 7 personer och en tvattmaskin utanfor huset som sag ut att ata kladerna och inte tvatta... Med tiden som gatt har man dock vant sig. Det ar valdigt mycket som inte funkar helt ultimat men jag har vant mig vid att ha en lada i kylen, vanta pa toalett/dusch allt mellan 5 min - 1 h.... Tvatta utomhus i solen med gott tvattmedel funkar bra och vi har gjort det mysigt pa vart rum. MEN det skulle vara sa skont att fa varat eget - jag har glomt hur det kanns men fantasiserar om inredning, lugn, och en kyl/badrum/soffa och lagenhet for bara oss tva skulle vara helt underbart!
Vad vore mitt liv utan listor? Jag fullkomligt alskar att skriva listor - aven om det ar saker jag ar saker pa att jag kommer komma ihag det jag skriver ar det ofta dagen satter igang och slukas av 100 andra saker att gora, da ar det skont att ha "maila x" "skapa y" ... Pa kvallarna kommer verkligen alla tankar och losningar, igar borjade jag tanka pa hur jag skulle kunna lagga upp en forelasning och fick upp tankekarta efter tankekarta i huvudet. Ett block och penna vid sangen ar inte fel!
Nu ska jag sluta ogonen och spana pa livet en stund - sen ska jag langta efter en god frukost! Har ar dagens: