Vilken underbar morgon... Jag och Markus tog en underbar vinterpromenad runt sjön med hunden Molly. Underställ, mössa och dubbla träningsbyxor; mycket ovant. Det är verkligen härligt med snö nu när vi ändå är hemma tycker jag. Idag blir det julfirande med julbord katerat av 'Sofias' och julklappslek! Väldigt mysigt.
Skönt att komma igång med allt jobb igen! Att bara fokusera på jobbet utan 4 ämnen, förelasningarna och letande efter lägenhet - allt är klart!
Tog en mysig promenad med killen för att lämna kontraktet. Nu är det film och nagelvård innan jobbet tas fram igen!
Almost done! Tomorrow, I can say "tomorrow it's over". Today we had the final in the International Marketing and after the test, I stayed and talked to the teacher about next semester lectures. She told me that she had difficulty getting so much time over the next semester considerinng the tight planning and asked me to break down the script to 15 MIN! Which means that it will not be a lecture anymore - but a presentation. I keep my fingers crossed that the other teacher lets me have one hour of her classes - that would be gold! Or that the INT MKT teacher becomes so impressd so she will give me more time! Ha. One can always hope!
I thought that Thursday would make me feel an incredible relief by the end of the school but as my mother said "usually you feel just completely empty inside and feels very strange set to how to feel" - maybe that is how it will be?
Today with the cool, fresh wind i missd Sweden and winter. My gorgeous country house Lysekil is covered in snow. It is the best place I think, where I have memories of my entire life, with both parents, new family, sun, rain, fishing, laughing, spider fear, movie nights, crickets, starry sky, birds chirping, sun-warmed patio and coffee, morning cross and of course shrimpdinner with my sweetheart. I've never been there in winter, but it looks really amazing....
Took a sweaty morning walk and burned up my cheeks slightly. Although time is short to finals a little exercise is not to underestimate ... So beautiful with the sun and heat, gazed out over the sea with the hope to see a whale splash on the surfac - it would be really incredible to see I think!
Now it has spent a few hours in the libary. It is an incredible pressure in there because almost all students have taken place and studies really hard. There is no air, all of us have SBCC, the coffee machines is booming and the rustle of snacks and pizza boxes never stops. You can actually order pizza to the school library - is not that cool?
Now what to you think I am going to do? Right. Study. I do not think I've had one of theese bright lights in front of me ever before, Thursday afternoon will bring such an incredible relief! Many others will only partying, sleeping and eating but I will also to be able to focus on work, lecture, future business planning, etc. ... But that's probably just me who is so crazy!
100 questions law just done. 5 shots caffe, a package of cookies and six bleeding eyes took us through the last online tests before the big test on Thursday. I can not explain how tired I am, haha. It would be nice to lie in bed with a movie but I've decided to apply for a scholarship of $ 500 for the next semester (books cost about 150 dollars each) so why not? Two essays á 250 words ... Here we go! Due tomorrow ...
Oh my soul is tired, fI eel like an overworked, middle-aged, recently divorced woman (not sure how that feels but I guess you feel like shit)... But the end is near! Too bad we have to go to Starbucks everyday study, when you live with 5 other people its really hard to find focus. Markus said today "oh next semester we can sit and cuddle around our own kitchen table and study, cuddle and cook at the same time!" - It sounds absolutely amazing! I am looking forward! Such a cozy apartment and larger than the one we have at home in Gothenburg. I tried to make a little movie for you so you could avoid my posts relating only that I'm out-worked (the video is about that too but perhaps more fun to see!) I'll see if I get it uploded here ...
I am a vet proud of me and Markus. That we really take school seriously because we want so much in the future. Today I said to Mark that it might be time for an image board when we insert a bunch of inspiring images of the future to look at when we need more inspiration. Cars, furniture, custom designed houses, food, jewelry, etc. - whatever we feel triggered by!
Today autumn turned into summer. It sunny, warm and a sparkling sea! If not to visit my family - I would never go back to cold Sweden in a week...! Although, I do no miss my work a lot ...
I am longing so much until I sit on the airplane home - not because I'm way home then (only) but because I'm in an airplane. It is the most relaxing place you can be I think, you can not work out, you can not study, you can not work, you can not socialize you via social media and do not stress over time. You just sit down, for 10 hours and sleep, think and do some planning - WONDERFUL! Really much needed right now ...
Here's how it looks in SB now,
Such a wonderful guy who always waits for me at the fountain, after my classes - little things that make life a bit more fun! That said, today we have just studied and studied with a break for meatballs and candy. Starting to get a little more comfortable here, given that we have sunshine and 22 degrees while Facebook post shows the negative opposite ... That will be a shock!
Today I had my last scene in the theater ... Who knows when I will do something with that again? I got relly good feed back today! Standing ovations and that "it was the best they ever seen with me" - end when your at the top right? Strange feeling, but I do not close any doors.
Tomorrow is Christmas lunch at school, it will be fun!
Even I can get to a point where it is impossible to focus on more than one thing at a time ... Lecture submission will have to be turned in next week, updates here will be less, work has been moveed to full days between December 13 to 17, and to go out and meet friends - there is no time. All is to study for the finasl next week! Luckily, I have only two subjects that are challenging but law always makes me bita a little on my nail!
I will be so happy when it's over! This weekend, me and Markus will isolate ourselves with books, before that can happen we need to go buy some, soft drinks, sweets and snacks so that we are able to study from morning to night ...
Inget smink i världen kan ta bort hur trött jag ser ut just nu - haha.
No make-up in the world can do anything to help me look less tired ...
Had a very good day. We had a presentation in International Marketing and had to dress in our finest Buisness clothing. I took both heels, jacket and blouse but unfortunately there were many who chose to have both the jacket and hat on. The teacher gave me extra points because I had made a little effort, and then asked for an outline of my lectures - which she'll read over Christmas! After that I had a conversation with another Proffessor about my future Marketing BA and he said it is a great degree to take, because you'll have everything. Master can come later, perhaps, but his sister had BA in Marketing and now works in China and Japan with 100 workers under her - she rules simply!
Now, we shared a bottle of wine and tossed in our Tacos - time for law ... !
Tired girl right here!
You take what you have - the dinner was baked chicken with creamed quinoa, baked zucchini, cooked carrots and brosselsprout .... Really good and healthy. Now I have washed all the sheets and clothes, studied for the week and made a superb schedule for 2013! I will read Buisness Transfer and next semester I read; Math, English, Accounting, Politics and Fitness (you must have some form of exercise class) - it will be a great semester, but very difficult.
Now it's time for bed. I will fall asleep with a smile on my lips since my mom saved me again! So wonderful to have the support and help when needed. All Christmas movies on TV do not make me miss my family less!
Love my Odd Molly pajamas ...
Allowed myself to go downtown last night with friends. After a long conversation with uncle Claes I decided to go for the Buisness program here at SBCC and not Marketing ... I will therefore be taking very difficult classes and read finance until it is time for the University and BA degree where I will concentrate on the marketing piece ... It feels so right. Why should not I be able to read the thoose classes when others can do it? Why should I not have the same opportunities as others after my AA? I refuse to get out into the work life and not feel smart and well educated after all of that money and time! A thin marketing degree would not have been taking me to the top - and those who know me know that I'm going to the top! My company will be the best!
I'm not afraid of a challenge! I am here to bite my lip a little now and then.
Nice to be little effective - ignore off all coffee machines, customers, and music, disappearing into law the world and just forcing information and cases into my brain. After two large cups of coffee, sandwiches, muffins and concentration I had ccomplished today's plug-goal. Now I have made myself a well deserved drink while waiting for the chicken to thaw. Shame to say but right now, when the rain is pooring down and there is so mch studying, job and planning the for lectures which are incredibly stressful - I'm counting the days until I will be home! It feels great to have an apartment ready. As I wrote on another occasion, I did not think I would be able to stay here so long but I've gotten incredibly used to the situation and conditions actually.
Rise and shine! This morning I woke up and answered my ringing phone to get the good news: We got the apartment! How wonderful! It is celebrated with study-session for finals ... We started by going to the library where we realized that no coffeeshop was open ... After I finally went to sleep because of it, we had to go up on the mountain to 'A good cup' to buy muffins, coffee and listen to the beautiful music with books all over the table and with my glasses resting on my nose ....